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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Brain implant startup backed by Bezos and Gates is testing mind-controlled computing on humans

• by Ashley Capoot

The system is implanted through the blood vessels and allows patients to operate technology using only their minds.

"It helps them engage in ways that we take for granted," Synchron CEO Tom Oxley said.

In a Brooklyn lab stuffed with 3D printers and a makeshift pickleball court, employees at a brain interface startup called Synchron are working on technology designed to transform daily life for people with paralysis.

The Synchron Switch is implanted through the blood vessels to allow people with no or very limited physical mobility to operate technology such as cursors and smart home devices using their mind. So far, the nascent technology has been used on three patients in the U.S. and four in Australia.

"I've seen moments between patient and partner, or patient and spouse, where it's incredibly joyful and empowering to have regained an ability to be a little bit more independent than before," Synchron CEO Tom Oxley told CNBC in an interview. "It helps them engage in ways that we take for granted."