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IPFS News Link • Domestic Policy

"Plug and Play" Guides US Domestic and Foreign Policy – and It's Not Working

• By Karen Kwiatkowski

 The weird thing is that one was just delivered less than six months ago, and as of August 2022, Lockheed was sending out the propulsion fixes for the rest of them, presumably to get them to the scrapyards.

This microdot of news flew under my radar, and it confirms what we already know about the US MICIMATT – it's not just what we do and how we do it, it's what's allowed to be talked about.  These ships were all named after major US cities; a couple of mayors reacted with sadness.  Not disgusted at the insanity and waste, or dumfounded by the government process, just sad that a brand new $500 million ship with their town's name on it is being junked.

"Plug and play," as transmogrified by the crony capitalists and government bureaucrats, not only doesn't work – it is a real danger to every American, and by extension the rest of the world.  In the marketplace, plug and play is efficient, flexible, and smart.  Upgrading, fixing, and modifying mission capability of products via open architecture software and hardware makes sense. The market likes the sim card model – rapid recognition and correction of problems, responding to consumer demand for performance, efficiency and cost – these are key to business success.  Plug and play has raised the bar of market performance, along with customer expectations.

Enter the US government, whose direct spending equates to 35% of the GDP – not counting moneys flowing from government to social security, poverty assistance, medicare, and government retirement programs that are also "spent" in our consumer oriented economy.
