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IPFS News Link • Food

Fake Meat Has Failed: People Want the Real Deal

• by Marie Hawthor

Americans keep hearing that we need to eat less meat.

This may be true. I've had friends that hit Whataburger two or three times a day, which is probably not necessary. I love Whataburger too, but not 10+ times a week. And a quick glance at Pub Med will show many articles about research being done, trying to nudge people into making healthier food choices. The World Economic Forum openly wants to "Nudge Meat Off the Menu."

If this was all about health, well, a lot of us could probably use it. But is it just about health? Or are other factors at play here? Let's look at some of the alternative proteins currently being pushed. 

More research is being done all the time on plant proteins.

Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are both companies producing a synthetic ground meat substitute that somewhat looks and tastes like real beef. The hubris surrounding these companies' product releases was pretty amazing. 

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