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IPFS News Link • Homeland Security

Fortifying and Arming Unconstitutional Agencies Against the People That They Swore To Serve

•, By Bradlee Dean

"More than a few eyebrows were raised in 2010 when the U.S. Department of Agriculture bought 85 semi-automatic submachine guns.  However, the USDA is just one of 73 federal government agencies employing full-time law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry firearms and make arrests in the United States."

Friends, if it is not the Department of Homeland Security defining law-abiding Americans as domestic terrorists, while overlooking subversives such as themselves, then they are orchestrating events such as Jan 6 (The day of insurrection say they), only to blame Christians, patriots, and/or conservatives for the crimes that they are guilty of committing (Revelation 12:10).

The Department of Homeland Security defines Americans as terrorists.

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Look to documented history for yourselves to understand what is happening here in America (Psalm 9:16).

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On top of the information above, we are now finding that the federal government is creating unconstitutional agencies and then heavily arming them.