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IPFS News Link • Oregon

East-Oregon Movement To Secede And Create 'Greater Idaho' Picks Up Steam

•, by Tyler Durden

Armed with just $70,000, McCarter has been lobbying for the move in the two states - and has seen allies introduce legislation in Oregon last month. He also has a bill ready to go in Idaho that would accelerate discussions for 15 counties to immediately secede.

"I think people within the United States are watching Oregon's movement, hoping that it'll establish a pathway for them in the future," he told the Mail.

McCarter's office, adorned with muzzle-loading rifles and the head of a musk deer, "could not be further from the image of Oregon as a haven for woke politics, where a majority voted to decriminalize hard drugs in 2020, where coastal valleys provide the perfect climate for the delicate pinot noir grape and where the liberal lifestyle was sent up in the TV comedy Portlandia," reads the report.

That is Portland, with its homeless encampments outside artisan doughnut stores. 

By contrast, central and eastern Oregon is a land of hardy ranchers, loggers and sawmill workers. Where daytime temperatures dropped below zero at the weekend after a snowstorm.

And where locals say they have more in common with next-door Idaho than they do Portland and its $6 caffe lattes. 

'Our movement is based on values,' said McCarter, 75, a retired nursery worker who runs courses for people who want concealed carry permits 

'You know, the traditional values of faith, family, freedom, and independence. 

'We don't want to be catered to by the government. In other words, if my power goes down, I have generator, I have water, everything ... food storage.'

As America divides between urban and rural, Democratic cities and Republican hiss and prairies, eastern Oregon is at the forefront of reshaping state lines. -Daily Mail