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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

JOE MUST GO-The American People Lost All Trust in Biden Due to His Connections with China -

• By Joe Hoft

The Biden family has multiple material issues with China.  Due to their many conflicts, it's time for Joe to go. 

This week's China spy balloon tragedy embedded all of America's concerns with the Biden Administration and China.  Based on this week's actions alone, Joe Biden cannot be trusted when it concerns China.

Joe Biden is compromised by China.  His son Hunter is a big part of this.  Hunter and Joe are connected to China money from when Joe was Obama's Vice President.

The Chinese sent Hunter a 3-carrot diamond ring in appreciation of his works.  Numerous wire transfers connect Hunter with China as we reported on November 2, 2020, the day before the 2020 Election.