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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

Society's Sudden Death: 2023-2026, by Jakobus A. Rechnen


It has its basis in my scary belief that the Covid Vaccines are actually for the worse than the Covid illness that the Vaccines (Impfstoffe) claim to be preventing. I may be completely wrong, or I may be mostly right. Maybe. You decide.

Premise: I am believing that the "Sudden Deaths" reported are just the start.  Because the blood clots and immune system destruction from the Covid injections and boosters are building up gradually, the number of deaths will grow bigger and bigger, in the next few years.


Covid Deaths, Total Cumulative: 6.7 Million

Vaccine Deaths, Total Cumulative: 250,000

Food and Supply Chain Disruption-Caused Deaths, Total Cumulative:  Nil

Economy: Entering of Recession in U.S.A. and Europe

Society: Mass Media hiding cause of sudden deaths.

War: Ukraine War continues.


Covid Deaths, Total Cumulative: 6.75 Million

Vaccine Deaths, Total Cumulative: 400,000

Food and Supply Chain Disruption-Caused Deaths, Total Cumulative:  2,000

Economy: Deep Recession in U.S.A., Northern Europe. A full Depression in Southern Europe and Eastern Europe.

Society: Mass Media hiding cause of sudden deaths. TikTok banned in U.S.A.

War: Ukraine War continues.

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