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White House Targets Cryptocurrencies, Calls For Stronger Enforcement By Regulators

•, by Liam Cosgrove

It argued for enhanced oversight of cryptocurrencies more broadly, requesting help from financial regulatory bodies and Congressional lawmakers.

The blog—co-written by national security adviser Jake Sullivan, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Arati Prabhakar, and Council of Economic Advisors Chair Cecilia Rouse—outlined the administration's strategy for mitigating the risks associated with cryptocurrencies.

The White House officials described digital assets as a nascent industry with promise but one that must be reined in for the sake of consumers. Sullivan has long been sounding the alarm with respect to cryptocurrencies, which he placed on the administration's radar back in June of 2021, following the highly publicized ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline.

The White House pointed to North Korea to justify the need for further legislation, highlighting that a lack of security protocols allowed North Korea to "steal over a billion dollars to fund its aggressive missile program." This refers to allegations by South Korea's main spy agency that their northern neighbor employed state-sponsored hackers to extract $1.2 billion from various digital asset projects.

"Privacy coins"—cryptocurrencies that algorithmically "wash" transactions to obfuscate their ownership history—appear to be in the sights of the Biden administration as well. The briefing linked to a 2022 report (pdf) that listed privacy coins under the "Malicious Acts" section of the report, mentioning that such tokens are the preferred medium of exchange for criminals and bad actors.

Proponents of the popular privacy coin Monero view the ability to transact with anonymity as one of the core tenets underpinning the crypto movement.