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IPFS News Link • Globalism

A Bit of Good News

• https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

Ekaterina Blinova Reports "Globalization has died and Davos 2023 was its funeral."  Read her report: 

The neoconservative attack on Russia and China has a silver lining.  It has killed Globalism.  Russia and China and the countries dependent on Russian energy and Chinese goods and financing have been cut off from the WEF's effort to unify the world under US hegemony.  Globalism was never anything but a way for Washington to exploit the rest of the world.  As Ms. Blinova says, the World Economic Forum is an elite club that intended to dictate Washington's rules to the rest of the world. Washington would rule under the guise of "globalism."

Klaus Schwab, in his 80s will soon be gone and the WEF with him.  Bill Gates might try to keep the WEF going for his own sick agenda, but today the US is a considerably smaller force on the world scene than it was during the Reagan presidency.  

Washington is such an inbred system that the consequence is stupidity.  People  capable of thinking outside of official narratives are simply not accepted.  It is no longer possible for leadership based in objective reality to  take hold in Washington.  

In the US all of the elements necessary for a free society have been dismantled. Law has moved from Congress to executive branch regulatory agencies who decide the regulations that implement the law.  Judges are appointed for the causes they serve–for example, abortion or right to life–and not for their knowledge of law and commitment to Constitutional rule.  The security agencies are politicized and serve vested interests instead of our country's security.