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IPFS News Link • Technocracy

Technocracy's Agenda Is Evil And Must Be Rejected

• Technocracy.News

Today, however Technocracy is global and not limited to just North America. ? TN Editor

In recent weeks I've been seeing an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public when it comes to the designs of globalists. The mainstream media and others are now openly suggesting that it's actually okay to be opposed to certain aspects of groups like the World Economic Forum. They give you permission to be concerned, just don't dare call it conspiracy.

This propaganda is a deviation from the abject denials we're accustomed to hearing in the Liberty Movement for the past decade or more. We have all been confronted with the usual cognitive dissonance – The claims that globalist groups "just sit around talking about boring economic issues" and nothing they do has any bearing on global politics or your everyday life. In some cases we were even told that these groups of elites "don't exist".

Now, the media is admitting that yes, perhaps the globalists do have more than just a little influence over governments, social policies and economic outcomes. But, what the mainstream doesn't like is the assertion that globalists have nefarious or authoritarian intentions. That's just crazy tinfoil hat talk, right?