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IPFS News Link • Employment & Jobs

Job Openings Come In Much Hotter Than Expected Despite Continued Deterioration In Hiring

• by Tyler Durden

... moments ago the latest JOLTS reported indicated that after the strongly upward revised October print of 10.512MM - up from 10.334MM previously -  the latest, November, openings print was 10.458MM, which while a drop of 54K from the previous month, was more than 400K higher than consensus expectations.

This was the third consecutive beat of expectations in the series, and an unprecedented 11 of the past 12 prints, just another garden variety six-sigma event by the never political BLS.

According to the BLS, in November, job openings increased in professional and business services (+212,000) and in nondurable goods manufacturing (+39,000). The number of job openings decreased in finance and insurance  (-75,000) and in federal government (-44,000).

The latest surge in job openings means that for the 2nd consecutive month there are 4.4 million more jobs than unemployed workers...
