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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden Kills Senate Resolution To End Yemen Genocide

• by Caitlin J

Antiwar's Dave DeCamp reports:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Tuesday night withdrew his request to vote on the Yemen War Powers Resolution that would end US support for the Saudi-led war and blockade on Yemen, citing White House opposition to the bill.

Sanders said on the Senate floor that he was informed ahead of the scheduled vote of the administration's opposition to the legislation, meaning President Biden would veto the resolution. The Intercept reported earlier in the day that The White House was pressuring senators to vote against the bill, and Democrats came out in opposition to Sanders' resolution earlier on Tuesday, including Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA).

Sanders' justification for not holding the vote was that the administration claimed it would work with Congress on ending the war in Yemen. He said the White House wanted to "work with us on crafting language that would be mutually acceptable" and insisted if that didn't happen, he would resume his efforts to end the war through a resolution.