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"The Order Reads Like The Judge Wants To Deter Not Bad Faith Cases But Electoral Challenges

• By Jordan Conradson

Kari Lake responded today to Obama-Judge John Tuchi's decision to sanction her and Mark Finchem at the request of Maricopa County for daring to bring a lawsuit against the unreliable and corrupt voting machines.

John Tuchi is the same Federal Judge who recently ruled that Maricopa County was justified in discriminating against TGP reporter Jordan Conradson and preventing him his First Amendment rights and access to the County's press room after another election disaster in the County.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the decision to sanction Lake's lawyers yesterday in an apparent effort to discredit and discourage any election challenges after the State certifies the corrupt Midterm next Monday.

The Judge even admitted that this order was intended to "send a message" to those who file what he considers "baseless" lawsuits in the future.

BREAKING: Corrupt Obama Appointed Judge Who Banned TGP Reporter From Maricopa County Press Briefings Sanctions Kari Lake And Mark Finchem Over Lawsuit Banning Voting Machines

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