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What's Really Behind Musk's Twitter Takeover?

• By Children's Health Defense Team

Debates about Elon Musk's recent acquisition of Twitter have raged between free speech advocates who celebrate the move and neoliberal democrats worried about a single billionaire controlling the platform, according to comedian and political commentator Russell Brand.

In his latest video, Brand raises questions about Musk's plans for Twitter that neither side of the debate is asking.

Brand argues that the media landscape has changed. Today many journalists and media figures are increasingly against free speech.

He quotes journalist Matt Taibbi who wrote on Substack:

"Media figures everywhere are openly complaining that they dislike the Musk move because they're terrified he will censor people less. A professional journalist who opposed free speech was not long ago considered a logical impossibility."

Brand explains that new media has allowed more marginal voices to enter the mainstream, prompting government and corporate media to seek more control over those spaces and justify censorship as a necessary means to protect public safety.

"Safety and convenience, that's how they'll finally imprison us forever," Brand said.

Because monopolistic tech companies control social media, they already have the power to police speech. As Taibbi put it, "An authoritarian structure already exists, just with different billionaires at the helm."

Will Musk's takeover of Twitter create the change free speech advocates hope for? — Brand asks.