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IPFS News Link • Voting - Election Integrity

There May Not Be a 2024 Election – Martin Armstrong

•, By Greg Hunter

In a fair midterm election, the Republicans would win the House and the Senate."

So,m what does his Socrates program see for next week?  Armstrong, says, "It's going to be tight, and the Republicans have a shot at taking the House.  Technically, they should take the House and the Senate.  I am just not sure.  The corruption is so bad, it's crazy.  Pennsylvania sent out hundreds of thousands of ballots to people who are not documented or even American.  I've gotten emails from people in Canada, they are getting mail-in ballots.  They mailed them to Canada. . . .Where this ends up, who knows?  It's just so corrupt, it is over the top.  It doesn't matter who wins.  Nobody is going to accept this thing, and that is the problem."

The cheating is going to be so in your face President Trump may not even be able to run for President two years from now.  Armstrong contends, "We may not even have an election in 2024.  It is not looking very good, and it's probably because this election is not going to be accepted.  When it is so over-the-top corrupt, what do you do for the next one?  The United States will not exist after 2032.  After 2028 and 2029, we are going to have to redesign a government from scratch.  America is being destroyed.  Republics always end in absolute corruption.  We just saw the same thing happen in Brazil.  They staged a major effort to take Bolsonaro out. . . . This is a worldwide effort.  They had to get rid of Trump.  The other one who stood in their way is Bolsonaro.  Then there is Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China).  I think you are going to have historians look back at this 50 years from now, and they will call this period 'The Climate Change Wars'. . . .They are trying to take down as much oil energy capacity as possible."

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