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IPFS News Link • Freedom

Liberty Beyond Borders

•, by Kym Robinson

Most are fixated on the United States, whether as a criticism of the empire and its wars or a romantic aspiration of converting the nation into a republic of virtue. All nations hold dear a certain mythology that generates pride and loyalty. The natural bias towards the local and familiar that can stir pride and inspiration. Such a bias is also a crucial ingredient for imperialism or any other of the nasty "isms."

With the current change of power inside the U.S. Libertarian Party, much of liberty media is focused on the new direction that the party should take. But is the U.S. Libertarian Party the avatar for liberty? And in a world where many of the leading liberty representatives are contributors from all over the world, is an American focus misguided and archaic? Is the belief that the American populace and government itself will be born again and give up the exceptionalism and hubris that has defined its history? A history that has led to the biggest government ever.

There are enough people on this planet who believe in individual liberty to make change and a difference. The trouble is that they are scattered, with many not believing in the traditional (usually violent) means of rule and social controls of revolution or government. Those who believe in the rights of individuals lead their lives in a variety of manners. Many do not have social media accounts and have not read Hoppe, Rothbard, or Mises. To them liberty is an instinct. One does not need to read a book to understand that human beings are not property and one does not need a God to justify this belief. At times the liberty movement seems constrained by traditions that are being created in the moment.