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Federal judge rules patriots have every right to monitor ballot boxes in Arizona...

•, by: JD Heyes

Anyone with half a brain knows that Joe Biden did not get 81 million votes in the 2020 election and that Donald Trump earned more votes than any Republican president in history — winning 18 of 19 bellwether counties as well as Ohio — and still lost.

The 2020 election was stolen from Trump, no question about it, and it was due to a massive amount of ballots being cast illegally.

In addition to blatant violations of laws barring so-called "ballot harvesting" — that is, one person rounding up dozens of ballots and casting them on behalf of voters — hundreds of thousands of ballots were cast using outdated voter registration lists because most counties around the country do not do a very good job keeping their lists up to date, which they are required to do under federal law.

As such, a group in Arizona — a state Biden 'won' by only a few thousand votes in 2020 — was formed to keep an eye on drop boxes to make sure that people were not stuffing them again with illegal ballots, and a federal judge just ruled they have every right to do so.

The Associated Press reported:

A federal judge Friday refused to bar a group from monitoring outdoor ballot boxes in Arizona's largest county where watchers have shown up armed and in ballistic vests, saying to do so could violate the monitors' constitutional rights.

U.S. District Court Judge Michael Liburdi said the case remained open and that the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans could try again to make its argument against a group calling itself Clean Elections USA. A second plantiff, Voto Latino, was removed from the case.