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IPFS News Link • Government

What Do We Do When the Government is Lawless?

•, Dave Daubenmire

Even a cursory study of history would give one the feeling that we have been here before.  This is a dangerous time for liberty in America.

Let's put aside the supposed dangers of the invisible Wuhan Flu that is creeping from business to business all across America and take a hard look at the government over-reach that is destroying our nation.

My entire life I have been told that we are a nation of laws and that no one is above the law.  Both of those statements no longer ring true with the introduction of a soft martial law quietly imposed on law-abiding American citizens.

Attorney General William Barr recently called it "house arrest" in a rare candid statement from another non-elected public official.  Have you ever stopped and considered how many "appointed" public servants were actually manipulating your life?

Who hired Anthony Fauci?  Who voted Dr. Birx into office, and where in the name of Thomas Jefferson did they get the authority to destroy the financial lives of literally MILLIONS of law-abiding American citizens?

This debate is not about a virus. It is not even about whether or not it is a wise decision to wear a mask, shelter in place, wash your hands regularly, or socially distance.  It is not about how your actions may or may not put a fellow citizen in a life-threatening situation.  It is not about whether you love Trump or hate him, whether you support the donkey or the elephant, and it certainly is not about "choosing" which Americans live or die.
