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IPFS News Link • Central Banks/Banking

Nineteen states launch investigations into banks with climate cult ties

• by Ethan Huff

Investments in so-called "environmental, social, and governance" (ESG) initiatives remain a point of contention between the two political parties as those on the left embrace them in the name of fighting climate change or global warming.

Those on the right are opposed to ESG, especially when tied to banking and finance, because it impedes economic growth while pushing "green" agendas like the elimination of fossil fuels. (Related: Credit Suisse and BlackRock have both been banned from Texas for their anti-energy ESG agendas.)

We know from the UN's Net-Zero Banking Alliance website that the group's members control about 40 percent of the world's banking assets. All members are "committed to aligning their lending and investment portfolios with net-zero emissions by 2050."