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Bitcoin's Rapidly Changing Correlation Regime Suggests Investors Are Starting To--

• by Tyler Durden

After a near-apocalyptic 6 months for bitcoin and the broader digital token segment, which led to the now traditional spike in crypto obituaries, some are wondering if the crypto winter is starting to thaw and is sentiment is about to reverse.

One such tentative ray of hope comes from Bank of America's latest Global Cryptocurrencies note, in which author Alkesh Shah paints a gloomy picture for most assets, yet one where cryptos may soon start diverging, to wit:

Higher rates, driven by inflation and budget deficits, continue to pressure risk assets including the digital assets sector. Our macro colleagues note early signs of capitulation given max bearishness (see this Oct 20 report) for the 5th consecutive week as hedge funds position less bearishly on equity and an S&P YE price forecast indicating 2% downside from current levels as client flows signal expectations of a potential market bottom. But, rate risks remain.

We expect blockchain and application development to drive token price divergence with blockchains exhibiting a growing application ecosystem and Web3 applications providing real-world functionality and capturing traditional company market share to outperform

Of course, we all know what they say about opinions... but what about other tangible indicators?