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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

Missile barrage unleashed on Ukraine is merely the 'first episode' of Putin's revenge...


A huge missile barrage unleashed on Ukraine today is merely the 'first episode' of Russia's revenge for a blast which crippled the Crimea Bridge and 'there will be others', one of Putin's staunchest allies has warned today.

Dmitry Medvedev, a former Russian president himself, said Ukraine poses 'a constant, direct and clear' threat and that the Kremlin should aim to 'completely dismantle the political regime of Ukraine' which he described as 'Nazi'.

He spoke shortly after Putin let rip with 83 missiles at what he claimed were military, energy and communications networks in Ukraine. Kyiv said the missiles actually hit power plants and busy civilian areas in major cities, killing at least 11 and wounding scores more. It was Russia's largest single barrage since the opening day of the war.

As Medvedev issued his threat, Belarus dictator Alexander Lukashenko appeared to be laying the groundwork to join the war. He announced Russian units would combine with his own and deploy to the Ukraine border, accusing Kyiv of planning to attack with help from allies Poland and Lithuania.

Belarus has acted as a staging ground for Russian attacks on Ukraine, but has not yet been involved in the fighting.

Polish interior minister Maciej Wasik said his government is now inspecting its bomb shelters to make sure they are fit for purpose, though insisted the move is 'routine' and not in response to Russia's bombardment. Warsaw is preparing for the 'darkest scenarios' even if there is only a 'small probability that they will occur', he added. 
