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IPFS News Link • New York

Free NY: Unelected Governor Hochul Governor & Her Dept. of Health Made An Illegal...

• 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Yours truly designed the website, animation and images for the Free NY campaign to oust unelected tyrant and corrupt grifter New York "Governor" Hochul.

The animation will be airing on a large billboard in Times Square starting tomorrow at 6am, and will be looped for around a month heading into the midterm elections. Below is the low rez preview:

From the website:

Governor Kathy Hochul and Her Department of Health Made An Illegal Regulation That Gave Themselves the Power To Detain Anyone Without Due Process on Mere Suspicion of a Communicable Disease!
NY's Supreme Court Struck It Down As Unconstitutional.
Governor Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James Want to Appeal.
They Want the Power to Put You into a Quarantine Camp!

New York's unelected Governor Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James are fighting to appeal a court ruling striking down the Governor's attempt to seize Dictatorial Quarantine Authority over all New Yorkers.

If successful, the Governor and her surrogates would have unrestricted power to label anyone as infected with any communicable disease and to detain that person indefinitely.

This could happen to you and your family, including your children.  

This power grab is not intended for public health, it is intended to control and terrorize.