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IPFS News Link • Deep State- Shadow Government

Neocons Climate Zealots Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

•, by Martin Armstrong

ANSWER: John McCain, who was the leader of the pack of Neocons, was promoting Nuclear Power for climate change to end the US dependence on oil and that of Europe. McCain used climate change to cut off Russia whose 50% of GDP was energy. Thus, McCain could care less about the climate. He used it as a weapon against Russia.

McCain just simply hated Russians and that was before Putin as Politico documented back to 1996 – three years before Putin. McCain used climate change as a weapon to undermine Russia. We must understand that there are Neocons in America, Russia, and China. They may be small in number, but they tend to be very manipulative. What we have is the Climate Zealots who want to end all fossil fuels, where their goals support the Neocons who want to annihilate their enemies – Russia and China.