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IPFS News Link • Governors

Governor Ducey Signs Legislation to Secure Arizona's Water Future


Governor Doug Ducey today signed historic legislation that makes an unprecedented $1 billion investment to secure Arizona's water future, fulfilling a promise outlined during his State of the State address in January.

"Today, we are taking a bold step to do what the men and women of Arizona hired us to do — position our state for success today, tomorrow and for generations to come," said Governor Ducey. "This legislation is crucial for our continued growth and prosperity. It will ensure Arizona remains a land of opportunity for families and for businesses large and small. As we've done over the past seven and a half years, we came together, brought everyone to the table and delivered for the people of this great state. And by doing so, we are leaving Arizona better and stronger than we found it. I want to thank Senator Sine Kerr and Representative Gail Griffin for sponsoring this legislation and consistently leading on Arizona's most pressing issues. I also want to thank: Senate President Karen Fann, House Speaker Rusty Bowers, and Leaders Rebecca Rios and Reginald Bolding. It is because of all your efforts that this passed with overwhelming bipartisan support."