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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

Biden Repeats False Claims about AR-15 Velocity in Support of a Ban


However, on Friday, he returned to a curious claim that he has made repeatedly: that "the bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun." Conservative and gun rights publications have repeatedly shot down that claim but it does not seem to have any impact.  As with Biden's false claim that certain weapons were banned from private ownership at the ratification of the Second Amendment, the President continues to make the same false claim on velocity speed.

A June 30 Field & Stream column on the "Five Fastest Rifle Cartridges"  listed the feet per second (fps) the five fastest rifle cartridges:

.220 Swift — A 40-Grain .220 Swift round moves approximately 4,300 fps.

.257 Weatherby Magnum — An 87-Grain .257 Weatherby Magnum round moves approximately 3,700+ fps.

.30/378 Weatherby — An 165-Grain .30/378 Weatherby round moves approximately 3,400+ fps.

.224 Clark — An 80-Grain .224 Clark round moves approximately 3,500+ fps.