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IPFS News Link • LGBTQ-Gay Rights

Justice Alito's dissent in Yeshiva University case bodes well for the school -- and religious fr

•, By Betsy McCaughey

Alito made the stunning pronouncement that if Yeshiva University loses to the YU Pride Alliance in New York state courts, the Supreme Court will "likely" take the case and "Yeshiva would likely win."

That is the big news, not the court's procedural decision to postpone intervening until Yeshiva has exhausted state-court remedies. Alito's prediction should buoy the hopes of believers everywhere, no matter their religion.

Christianity is 2,000 years old, and Jewish teachings are even older. LGBTQ advocates are demanding these faiths change their tenets overnight to accommodate gay rights, and many politicians agree. The court's view is: not so fast.

LGBTQ advocates sued Yeshiva to compel it to recognize the YU Pride Alliance as a university club with funding and listing in school publications. Yeshiva refused, explaining that its mission "is to instill Torah values in its students." Yeshiva welcomes LGBTQ students, but it will not put the university's imprimatur on clubs or activities — such as gambling, video games or sex outside traditional marriage — that violate timeless Torah values.

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