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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden Announces Approval of First $900M for U.S. EV Charging Stations Despite Power Grid Risks, --

• by B.N. Frank

  EVs have been associated with threatening already-vulnerable U.S. power grids (see 12), fires (see 123456789), high costs (see 1234as well as health and environmental issues (see 1234, 5, 67).  A survey published in July revealed that many Americans are still not interested in owning or leasing them because of costs and other concerns.  Despite all of the above, EV mandates are being considered and/or introduced in at least 17 states and the Biden Administration has approved the first $900M for building charging stations.

From ZeroHedge:

President Biden To Announce $900 Million In EV Charging Funding

by Tyler Durden

In continuing the administration's "drink yourself sober" policy when it comes to curbing inflation, the Biden Administration announced this week the approval of $900 million in new U.S. funding to build EV charging stations across the country.

The spending is part of a $1 trillion infrastructure law that was approved in November of last year.

In fact, congress approved about $5 billion over five years for grants to states to build charging infrastructure, Reuters reported this week. President Biden is expected to announce at the Detroit Auto Show that EV usage has "risen dramatically" in the U.S.

"I'll be there. I'm a car guy, as you kind of noticed," Biden said last week when asked if he was going to attend the auto show.
