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IPFS News Link • Transportation

Comparing All The Upcoming Electric Semi-Truck Models

• by Tyler Durden

This presents challenges for long-hauling, where the average diesel-powered semi can travel up to 2,000 miles before refueling. Compare this to the longest range electric model, the Tesla Semi, which promises up to 500 miles. A key word here is "promises"—the Semi is still in development, and nothing has been proven yet.

In this infographic, Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu and Zack Aboulazm have listed all of the upcoming electric semi trucks, complete with range and charge time estimates. Further in the article, we'll explore the potential commercial use cases of this first generation of trucks.

With the exception of Tesla's Semi, all of these trucks are currently in operation or expected to begin delivering this year. You may want to take this with a grain of salt, as the electric vehicle industry has become notorious for delays.