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IPFS News Link • Food

94% of Baby Food Contains Toxic Metals

• Armstrong Economics

We have yet another revelation of products intended for infants containing toxic substances. Healthy Babies Bright Futures' (HBBF) conducted a study of 288 products, including over 7,000 from other previously published studies. "We found no evidence to suggest that homemade purees and family brands are generally safer, with lower metal levels, than store-bought baby food," HBBF warned.

Even WebMD is reporting on this crime. Around 94% of store and homemade baby foods contained at least one toxic heavy metal. The organization warns against consuming puffs, rice cakes, crisped rice cereal, and brown rice when cooked without additional water. These items have actual arsenic within them, and both children and adults are at risk. Yes, the FDA approved these items. In fact, arsenic was found in 68% of store-bought food and 72% of family homemade food. Lead was detected in 90% of store-bought food and 80% of family homemade purees.

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