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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Is it Time for an Actual Insurrection – Epi-3155

• The Survival Podcast - Jack Spirko

For all the shrieking about "insurrection" on Jan. 6th we all know it was basically a riot that paled into comparison to the linty or riots that occurred all though the prior year.  Thing is the media and the state both thrive on violence, whether a likely orchestrated riot like Jan. 6th or the huge number of city burning riots that proceeded it.

They would also love an "insurrection" that was violent in nature.  The state excels at violence and the media lives by "if it bleeds it leads".  So insurrection by force is the state's game and it is one the people would lose.  Long ago I said,

Change though the ballot box is a fools errand and change though the rifle is a death sentence.