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IPFS News Link • Canada

Public Health Canada is Hiring Security Guards For 'Quarantine Facilities'


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The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) recently posted job openings for "risk management and security services for designated quarantine facilities in Ontario." Specifically in Toronto, York and Halton, Ontario.

The job listing states that the contract will be valid from the time of acceptance until August of 2023. According to the PHAC website, security is available 24 hours at their quarantine facilities.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian government established "Designated Quarantine Facilities" for Canadians returning home from travel who were unable to quarantine at home because of proximity with family members.

Hotels were generally used as quarantine facilities, with a few brand new buildings built around Ontario. Some travellers were forced by law and threat of major fines to stay in a facility until their isolation period was up. They had to do so at their own cost as well, which was around $300 per night. They were given food while at the facility.