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IPFS News Link • Business/ Commerce

Made in America EV Battery Production? Metals Needed Suggest No Time Soon

•, By Mish

China currently assembles 76% of the world's batteries. Materials needed for the batteries are mostly outside the US.

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting video article Taking Apart an EV Battery Illustrates Why 'Made in America' Will Be Tough

I believe that is a non-paywalled link.

President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act calls for at least 50% of an electric vehicle's battery to be made in the U.S. to qualify for a federal discount. WSJ's George Downs breaks down a battery to explain why that's going to be a challenge.

California Bans Gasoline in New Car Sales by 2035

And with virtually no discussion of the implications, nor any feasible plans to deliver the mandate, California Demands More Inflation, Bans Gasoline in New Car Sales by 2035