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IPFS News Link • FBI

The Same FBI That Just Raided Trump Ignored Hundreds of Child Rape Victims...

•, By Matt Agorist

Former president Donald Trump announced on Monday that his that his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida was "under siege, raided, and occupied" by federal agents taking part in an "unannounced raid." The raid was conducted over allegations that Trump unlawfully removed and destroyed classified White House records after he left office in January 2021.

In February, the National Archives and Records Administration confirmed it had found 15 boxes of classified material at Trump's home, all of which was reportedly taken from the White House.

The case is similar in kind to the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton in 2016, in which classified emails turned up during an investigation into Anthony Weiner's sexting of a 15-year-old girl from NC. Weiner is Huma Abedin's estranged husband, and Abedin was one of Clinton's closest confidants involved in the scandal and owned the home in which many of the classified emails were located.

Nothing would ever come of the investigation into Clinton, however, and the same will likely be true for Trump. Nevertheless, the sheer man-hours devoted to such acts of political grandstanding are notable given the seeming lack of these hours devoted to investigating child sex trafficking and mass shooters.