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IPFS News Link • Technocracy

Dr. Mercola: Patrick Wood On The Pressing Dangers Of Technocracy

• By: Dr. Joseph Mercola

He's written two books on this topic: Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation and Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order. I was intrigued by his work as my own approach is to seek to understand the foundational cause of any given problem.

"I think that's a really important takeaway for listeners," Wood says. "Don't just confine your view to the microcosm, like what's in front of you. Always try and look for the big picture … Once you have the big picture, it's hard to unsee it. Once you see it, it's hard to not see it. It guides everything else you do within your life at that point, and that's really important.

It's certainly important in medicine, because if a doctor or researcher doesn't really understand the whole picture, how can he understand a little part of the picture when you get right down into some nitty-gritty detail? It's very difficult."

Wood's foray into the ideology of technocracy began with a chance meeting with Antony Sutton at a gold conference in the early 1970s. Sutton has written several books about political science, primarily about the Trilateral Commission, which Wood had studied from a financial angle.