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IPFS News Link • Philosophy: Libertarianism

A Necessary Alliance Between the Dissident Left and Libertarians

•, by Keith Knight

This is more or less referred to as the exploitation agreement. There are five keys to this agreement. First, there is a small, unjust, parasitic ruling class which rules over the masses at the expense of the masses. Second, the ruling class is ideologically held together by its interest in keeping the system of exploitation ongoing. Third, rulers never willingly retreat or give up their power, only an increase in class consciousness by the exploited can remedy this. Fourth, an ideological superstructure – media, education, advertising, courts, a property rights system, police – exist to keep the ruling class in power, for the ruling class has an inherent tendency to be corrupted, concentrated, and centralized. Fifth, inherent corruption plus more centralization equals more and more instability, resulting in a crumbling of the system giving rise to a mass realization or class consciousness by the exploited that an unjust system of exploitation should be replaced by a system of cooperation and mutual benefit.

The exploitation disagreement lies in who the exploiters are. The libertarian says the exploiters are not business owners, the rich, the 1%, whites, men, capitalists, investors, etc. The exploiters are those who achieve their ends violently in non-contractual, non-consensual ways. This means all government by definition and those who initiate aggression, regardless of income or status, are the ones engaged in exploitation.

So, let's say you're a very poor rapist, murderer, or a thief, you are engaged in exploitation – maybe to a much smaller degree – still what makes you inherently bad is that you're not interacting with people in a civilized, morally just way that respects their right to self-ownership. Owning a business gives people the option to work for you. Maybe they want to and maybe they don't, but we don't believe you have the right to be hired or forced to associate with people if you don't wish to do so. For the same reason customers have the right to disassociate, businesses have the right to disassociate, and employees have the right to disassociate. If it's okay for me to produce nothing, it's okay for me to produce something and charge people for it and profit.