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IPFS News Link • Voting - Election Integrity

Stolen Elections: What Solutions Are Left? Elections Are Theatre in a Fake Hijacked Political System


Arizona's Senate seat is one of the most vulnerable ones; if we can take down Mark Kelly, we can stop the Democrats from confirming more radical left-wing judges, regulators, and Cabinet officials.

But it's not just the Senate. The governor's race, the secretary of state race, and even the state legislature matter a lot. We have the power, right now, to pass laws that will change how Arizona's elections work. If we pass the right laws, we can prevent what happened in 2020 from happening again. No more mass mail-in voting.

No more absentee ballots traced to addresses nobody lives at. No more ballots trickling in for days or weeks after Election Day, after Democrats find out exactly how many ballots they need to drum up to win. We have the power to do this right now. We have a better Supreme Court for approving real election security laws than we've had in decades. We just need Republicans brave enough to act.

And that's why the key election in Arizona isn't in November. It's in just a few weeks, in August. That's when Republican voters will decide whether they pick real America-first reformers, or the same fake Republican Party that let the state go purple and then blue in the first place.


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