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IPFS News Link • Energy

Desperate For Energy Alternatives, Europe Pours Billions Into Hydrogen Research

• by Tyler Durden

Hydrogen is often wrongly hailed as the solution to "climate change" and carbon emissions (which are not a legitimate threat to the planet in any way, as shown by the NOAA's own temperature data and the mere 1 DEGREE Celsius rise in world temps in the past century).

Hydrogen is a notoriously difficult technology to produce in terms of efficiency.  For hydrogen to be completely green, it must be produced by electrolyzing water, which splits into the H2 and O that it is made of instead of producing extra carbon just like gasoline.  Hydrogen fuel cells consistently prove to be substandard and lose 30% their energy in the process of splitting H2 from Oxygen, on top of the 26% energy loss from transporting the electrolyzing water. 

Why is EU leadership continuing to pursue fairy tale technologies when they already have access to green energy production in the form of nuclear power?

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