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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden lashes out at reporter asking about dismal approval among Dems:

•, Nikolas Lanum

President Biden became agitated and approached a reporter Tuesday after he was asked his response to a recent poll showing a majority of Democrats do not want him to seek reelection in 2024.

"Mr. President, what's your message to Democrats who don't want you to run again?" the reporter asked at the White House congressional picnic.

Biden, walking adjacent to the reporter, then paused in his tracks, telling the reporter that "they want me to run," and for him to "read the polls." The reporter noted that roughly two-thirds of Democrats say they don't want him to run again in that New York Times survey.

"Read the polls, Jack, you guys are all the same," Biden continued as he slowly began walking up closely to the reporter and the camera. "That poll showed that 92% of Democrats, if I ran, would vote for me."

Both the reporter and Biden then reiterated their claims to each other, with the reporter again claiming that a majority of Democrats do not want Biden to campaign in 2024, and Biden refuting the statistic, claiming it was quite the opposite. 

The interaction comes as the media has highlighted numerous polls that show Biden in hot water with American voters, including voters of his own party. The numbers that Biden and the reporter spoke on came from a New York Times/Sienna College poll conducted between July 5 and 7.