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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

Stupid is as Stupid Does

•, By Brian Wilson

With the mid-terms rapidly approaching, elected, appointed, former and wanna-be Elephants have taken to print and air to add another merit badge to their collection of Dimwittery.

No doubt you've heard the old saw: "The only way to keep a secret is to not tell anyone." As the mid-term elections approach, with the euphoric anticipation of a "Red Wave" sweeping Blue Dems out of the Swamp and into the Sea of Bad Memories, you would think even the Stupid Party would be extra careful not to ruin things by doing stupid things. But you'd be as wrong as Republicans are stupid.

Like many "news-opinion" shows, FOX News Channel's "Outnumbered" and adjacent "Faulkner Focus" regularly feature Republicans/Conservatives for their mid-day chat fests. Invariably, the focus is on current events, pending legislation, inside Washington goings-on, the juicy parts of wherever Democrats screw up. So far, so normal. But then, the wizards of rhetoric turn to the Critiquing portion of the show where hosts and guests dissect and parse Democrat skullduggery – then proceed to instruct them in how to change their ways, if they expect to make a showing in the upcoming elections, the very ones Republicans are in terminal drool mode to win and win bigly!

Ladies and Gentlemen – and those still struggling with that pesky gender decision – I give you the Stupid Party!