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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

Obama's Gas

•, By eric

Barack Obama is so "concerned" about "climate change" he just recently had three storage tanks capable of holding 2,500 gallons of propane installed at his sprawling Martha's Vinyeyard property, which sits very close to (and not far above the level of) the ocean he says will shortly inundate us, if we don't drastically reduce our use of fossil fuels. 

Like propane. 

An ocean of it, in this case. So that the Obamas have plenty of fuel – as opposed to solar – to assure the power never goes off at their place. Which is actually a $12 million-dollar, 6,892 square foot mansion more than twice the size of the average American single family home – with more than twice the "carbon footprint," too.

It is the real-estate equivalent of the gas-hoggiest non-electric car you could possibly buy – but which we increasingly cannot afford to drive, courtesy of the artificially induced energy austerity imposed on us by things such as Obama and his anointed successor, the Biden Thing.

These things live the life, at our expense – because we're forced to pay for it. An ex-president draws a handsome stipend of nearly a quarter-million dollars annually. And that's just a slice of the pie we pay for but don't get to eat.