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All Eyes Are On Arizona's Blake Masters as He Surges Ahead in Heated Senate Race


Perhaps out of recognition of this fact, President Trump has taken a judicious approach to his endorsements in the 2022 cycle. To earn Trump's coveted endorsement, a candidate must not only demonstrate loyalty to Trump and the Trumpist agenda that revolutionized American politics forever, the candidate in question must also stand strong on his own and show that he's a winner. After all, winning is a big part of the Trump agenda.

One would be hard pressed to think of a candidate more suited for a Trump endorsement than Arizona phenom Blake Masters. Unlike other GOP candidates who were slow to see The Donald's appeal, Blake was an early supporter in the 2016 primary and went on to work on the transition team. He has bravely called out the stolen election of 2020 and has elevated election integrity to the top of his campaign agenda.

Over the past year, Masters has proven not only his loyalty to Trump and the Trumpist agenda, he has proven his mettle as a candidate even without Trump's explicit backing.

At the campaign's outset, Masters was a talented novice with no preexisting political base or electoral experience. Last November, he had only 9% support. But for the past six months, all the momentum has been in his favor. An internal poll from April by Kari Lake's gubernatorial campaign showed Masters tied with Mark Brnovich and Jim Lamon at 19% support. A poll two weeks ago by Fabrizio, Lee & Associates showed Masters in sole possession of first place, with 22% support against 18% for his two main rivals. As undecided voters have made up their minds, they have been breaking for Masters in a big way.

Masters is proving himself not only as a politician, but as a future GOP leader. He has shown a special ability to appeal to young voters. His main campaign theme is protecting the nuclear family. He has said that Americans should be able to raise a family on one income, something millennials are currently having trouble doing. Masters has also taken a unique approach to advertising, shooting videos of himself in beautiful outdoors locations where he speaks calmly and candidly about the issues America faces. These have stood out in contrast to the lame and suffocatingly conventional attack ads of his opponent Jim Lamon.