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IPFS News Link • Mass Shootings

OPERATION MASS SHOOTING At Full Throttle Between Now And Election Day


Because every violent mass casualty event
is carried out as a US government-directed
false flag operation and national psyop
designed to ultimately strip the American
people of their right to to "to keep and
bear Arms" 

It's of paramount importance to understand that the U.S. Federal Government under Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama approved legislation that granted the power to the Department of Defense to conduct black operations against the American people, and then disseminate the wholly fabricated propaganda associated with those false flag attacks.

In other words, the Obama administration unconstitutionally codified the illicit authority/power to murder and harm the US citizenry effectively committing treason against the American Republic.  In this way, the government traitors themselves wrongfully 'legalized' their treason perpetrated as unrelentingly violence and psychological warfare against the body politic.   As follows:

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