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IPFS News Link • Government

The Government Plans to Survive the Apocalypse…Without Us

• Organic Prepper

 by Jeremiah Johnson

My Pledge to You, the Readers

The first problem today is that journalistic integrity has almost gone extinct. Lord Acton's famous phrase, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," is used broadly against all facets of life. Its original intent, however, was to denounce the kowtowing that occurred by journalists, who skewed and distorted "regular" (objective) reporting in order to align their words with the desires of kings, courts, and "elected" officialdom.

The second problem: readerships demand certification, authentication, and evidence on every piece of factual information. That's fine, to a certain point. The reason? If one is looking for hard camera footage, confessions in writing, or one hundred, educated, accredited witnesses, they'll still meet with a cul-de-sac: an incompletion that does not "finalize" the verdict.


A case in point is Oswald-Kennedy, that, ostensibly, was "one man, guilty as charged," but after the dust settled, the intricacies and subtleties showed it was not so simple. A conspiracy was revealed, with multiple possibilities involving dozens, maybe even hundreds of people, and the conspiracy has never been solved to this day.

Regarding the first paragraph, as a newly-contributing writer with The Organic Prepper, I am committed to journalistic integrity in the service of you, the readership.

In the interests of truth, objectivity, and journalistic integrity, it is my pledge to you, the readers, that I will present the facts and also tell you when I don't know something or if the writing involves hypothesis or speculation on my part.

To address the second paragraph, I wish to help readers by either introducing them to, or enhancing, their innate (potentials in all of us) powers of critical thought and objective speculation. In life, we may be presented with a picture, but later we learn that pieces were missing from the puzzle. Pieces that, if given at the onset, would have changed the complexion of the puzzle entirely. 

Sometimes pieces stay missing. It is then that readers must truly become "Sherlock Holmes," a detective who utilized the facts as powerful tools to help him fill in the gaps and enable him to solve the mystery, either by tying together available facts or by brilliant deduction through educated hypothesis supported by facts.

This is an invite. Let's take this trip together, OP readers. Let's hold onto those nuggets of truth sifted from the streams and use deductive reasoning to find the next motherlode. Let's also not allow those nuggets to blind us to that lode right beneath our feet so that we miss it entirely. Here's a slogan that may help you, as it helped me:

Critical, objective thinking hones speculation from the possible to the probable.

Such thinking reduces error. I submit this to you: I'm an investigative writer and researcher, and all of the readers on sites such as OP are, as well. We collect data and sift the facts from the stream of knowledge, applying them to make practical decisions as well as educated hypotheses.