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IPFS News Link • Crime

Monkeypox: Technocracy's Next Wave Of Crimes Against Humanity

• Activist Post - Patrick Wood

I am currently traveling the country with Drs. Judy Mikovits, Richard Fleming and Reiner Fuellmich. Our one-day conference topic in nine cities focuses on the case for crimes against humanity having been committed by leaders of Big Pharma and the biosecurity cartel. Indeed, there are a multitude of potentially criminal violations at national and international levels. But now, meet monkeypox!

Our case is built from a forensic point of view examining the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in hindsight: its conspiratorial beginnings, violations of international law and the Nuremberg Code and the massive coverup campaign to conceal criminal acts.

Suddenly, however, monkeypox has sprung forth upon the world stage, following the same playbook as SARS-CoV-2. As such, it is a "crime-in-progress" brought to us by the same people and in the same manner.

This time, the script is following a paper, Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats, that was based on a "2021 tabletop exercise conducted in partnership with the Munich Security Conference." This scripted simulation of a bio-terror attack was based on an intentionally weaponized version of the monkeypox virus.

Produced by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), the participants and contributors overlap those who sat in the Event 201 simulation that predicted SARS-CoV-2, its rollout and its policies: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, China CDC, United Nations, Merck, John Hopkins, U.S. Department of State, etc.