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Musk Calls Out Coincidental Timing Of Sexual Misconduct Allegations

•, Bo Banks

Musk believes this is only the beginning, but he still intends to fight "for a good future," in addition to "your right to free speech." No matter what comes next.

Remember when Tucker Carlson warned us about all this back in April?

"The attacks against me should be viewed through a political lens," Musk said on Twitter Friday morning. "This is [the left's] standard (despicable) playbook – but nothing will deter me from fighting for a good future and your right to free speech."

Other Twitter users, including many conservative favorites like the infamous "Catturd" account, are already calling out the convenient timing of these "new" media smears.

"[Musk] says he's going to vote Republican for the first time. The next day a sexual misconduct allegation suddenly appears." the Catturd account shared.