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IPFS News Link • Transportation: Air Travel

'Absolutely incredible': Pilot reacts to passenger with no flight experience landing plane a


Jet Blue pilot Justin Dalmolin said he had to hold off on landing while flight controllers guided the passenger-flown plane.

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The unidentified man took over the controls of a Cessna Caravan after the pilot "became incoherent" on the way back to Florida from the Bahamas Tuesday afternoon.

The man told flight controllers he had no idea how to fly the plane -- tower recordings show he said he couldn't even turn on the navigation screen.

Video below: Plane makes emergency landing at PBIA

Dalmolin said the single-engine turbine plane is fairly sophisticated and he can't believe flight controllers were able to talk the passenger through not only recovering from the plane's dive, but stabilizing it and then landing it safely at PBIA.

"The level of difficulty that this person had to deal with in terms of having zero flight time to fly and land a single-engine turbine aircraft is absolutely incredible," said Dalmolin.

Dalmolin said one of the flight controllers was a flight instructor and printed out a layout of the cockpit of the plane, and used it to guide the passenger through the steps of flying and landing the plane.