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IPFS News Link • WAR: About that War

We have Enemies Within Our Own Governments Seeking War & Agenda 2030

• Armstrong Economics

There is a discussion now to ban Russia from the G20 meeting. Whatever can be done to create World War III is in full motion. Meanwhile, Biden wants to not just seize the private property of Russian individuals like yachts, homes, and anything else he can just seize, he wants to sell off the assets he has stolen from private individuals setting a precedent following the actions of Iran when they seized all assets of foreigners. Biden is completely destroying the world economy and burning down the very foundation of international law. This is destroying global investment for this action by the United States is not only unprecedented in the history of civilization, but it will send a warning signal to even the Chinese – sell everything and get out before Biden robs you blind.

There is a discussion now to ban Russia from the G20 meeting. Whatever can be done to create World War III is in full motion. Meanwhile, Biden wants to not just seize the private property of Russian individuals like yachts, homes, and anything else he can just seize, he wants to sell off the assets he has stolen from private individuals setting a precedent following the actions of Iran when they seized all assets of foreigners. Biden is completely destroying the world economy and burning down the very foundation of international law. This is destroying global investment for this action by the United States is not only unprecedented in the history of civilization, but it will send a warning signal to even the Chinese – sell everything and get out before Biden robs you blind.

Then the British Defense Secretary said that he would not be "surprised" if Putin used the May 9 celebrations in Russia, which mark the day the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany, to "mobilize the Russian people en masse" against the West. It is just unimaginable how these leaders are doing EVERYTHING they can possibly do to create World War III. In all honesty, if the shoe was on the other foot, you would launch a first strike and take out all the capital cities in a matter of minutes.
