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Fire In The Hole - high-quality, and unique outdoor and urban gear


Why, When, and How with FithOps

This amazing venture, and the creation of the perimeter trip alarm, all started with trying to deter a grizzly bear from his own camping adventures. Did we mention he was an adrenaline junky? He loves to hike, skydive, and is a mountaineer. He noticed a need and decided to fill it. Mike used his experience working with explosives, in the private sector, to design his gear. He has been improving the design as he sees issues arise. His goal is to ensure his gear works every time.

As the company grows, Mike has enjoyed meeting customers in law enforcement. He enjoys working with them and figuring out solutions to keep them safe. Mike's main goal is to keep people safe and his products have helped do just that.

Why the name? FITHOps stands for Fire In The Hole Operations. This is a combination of his past and present, FITH- using explosives in his past life and OPs- for the tactical division it is now.


Mike started FITHOps in 2017, such a short time ago. Yet it has grown into the amazing community it is today. "Our customers are special to us, and we treat them as such."- Mike Anton.

Perimeter Trip Alarms

Flash Bangs & Blanks

Trip Wires

SWAT Training

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