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IPFS News Link • Social Networking/Social Media

Woke Twitter Elitists Are Too Stupid To Realize Elon Musk Is Saving The Platform

•, By Brandon Smith

We've just seen companies like Netflix take a massive market beating because of their hubris and their presumption that they can simply dictate the path of our culture from on high through leftist propaganda. CNN just shut down their premium "+" service after a single month because no one trusts them enough to pay them pocket change for content. And Disney is about to lose their municipal charter in Florida because they thought they were in charge of the state and its laws, when in fact they are not.

Woke corporations are slowly but surely dying and leftists don't seem to grasp the situation. They'll never admit openly that the reason these companies are seeing declines is because of their cult-like political stance that justifies the forced indoctrination of everyone, including children. They'll say it was covid, they'll say it was inflation, they'll say it was bigotry, but in reality it was always them. No one likes them, and people are finally realizing they don't have to spend money buying products from insane leftists they don't like.

In this regard Twitter is a bit of an enigma. The social media company has gone from a relatively innocuous space for people to market online businesses and for politicians and celebrities to engage with their followers or detractors, to a vicious battleground overrun with leftist zealots hellbent on using the platform as a weapon to silence dissent and destroy the lives of people that disagree with them. The platform went from average social media outlet to becoming a birthplace for evil behavior. If I was to describe what Twitter really stands for today, I would say it is an attempt to build a global hive mind; a place where everyone is coerced into conformity with establishment ideals through peer pressure and mob aggression.
