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IPFS News Link • Florida

How Florida's Disney-Loving Corporate Welfare Helped Crush Real Market Freedom

•, by Tyler Durden

As of Thursday afternoon, both the House and the Senate in Florida have voted to end the mega-corp's special district which has long enabled Disney to engage in activities prohibited to other private groups and individuals in the state. The governor is expected to sign the legislation.

The impending change in status comes after senior Disney representatives repeatedly criticized the GOP in Florida—currently the ruling party in the state—for legislation that had nothing to do with Disney's ability to do business in the state. Perhaps not surprisingly, this caused numerous GOP officials to question why Disney was receiving special privileges denied even to Disney's direct competitors. In the past, Disney would normally be shielded from dangers to its special status, as Disney has famously showered politicians in the state with gifts and campaign cash and other types of special favors that normal people would identify as bribes.